Thursday, December 22, 2011


salad with beet, fennel + carrot:

red leaf lettuce
cherry tomatoes

most-asked question

from Organic Avenue:

We LOVE* this! As every vegetarian and vegan in a post-Atkins world knows, "How do you get your protein?" is the most-asked question by far. And the answer is: You can get plenty of protein when consuming a plant-based diet...and it's not exactly "protein" the body is after. We need the amino acids that make up proteins, and these are found in plants in their most digestible form. So a variety of plants will supply you with all you need. Think of a horse, her big muscles, and her entirely grass-based diet, and you'll know all you need about protein and plants.


16 oz green juice:
1 large cucumber with peel
1 lemon, peeled
3 stalks celery with leaves
romaine lettuce

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.

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