Wednesday, March 9, 2011


coconut water + mango

less is more - part 2

LOVE*note #7: Simplicity
*Live. Organic. Vegan. Experience.
courtesy of Denise Mari of Organic Avenue

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."
Hans Hoffman


marinated kale with tahini dressing + hemp seeds
(recipe from 'The 3-Day Cleanse' by Zoe Sakoutis + Erica Huss)

less is more

courtesy of Natalia Rose

"If you were to chart exactly how you spend your time and energy each day, how much of it would be unnecessary?...Consider the actual importance of everything you do in a day. Where you put your energy is where you are sending your life force. Which of those activities are truly helping you to conduct the life force where it's most important? And which of them do you carry out mindlessly according to convention and consumer-driven ideas of measuring up?

The less toxic you are, the fewer needs you have. The fewer needs you have, the freer you are to pursue what's most important to you. Take a moment to revise your consumption. Even if you do not make any big changes today, take a moment to consider what is essential, what is less essential, and what no longer serves any real purpose in your life.

...Once you know what you truly and deeply need - down to your very cells - you will realize how much else you don't need or even want, and no amount of outside noise will be able to tell you otherwise!"


green smoothie:
1 cup frozen mango
1 banana
1 T maca powder
1/4 t Pure Radiance C
1/4 cup coconut water
1 bunch cilantro

combine ingredients in Vita Mix.
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