Tuesday, May 31, 2011


hot pink:
(modified from 'raw food real world' by Matthew Kenney + Sarma Melngailis)

1/4 pineapple
1/2 beet
1 large cucumber with peel
1" piece of ginger
5 strawberries with greens

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in 1/2 t MSM crystals.


20 oz green juice:
2 large cucumbers with peel
1 handful apple mint leaves
2 very large leaves dino kale, stems removed
1 lemon, peeled

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.


16 oz lemonade + 1/2 t MSM crystals

Monday, May 30, 2011


16 oz green juice:
1/4 pineapple
1 large cucumber with peel
2 handfuls baby spinach
1/2 bunch cilantro with stems
1 lime, peeled

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.


16 oz lemonade


20 oz green juice:
(makes 32 oz - serves 2)
1 fennel bulb trimmed with some greens
2 large cucumbers with peel
1 granny smith apple
1 lemon, peeled

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in 1/2 t MSM crystals.


20 oz grapefruit juice

Sunday, May 29, 2011


16 oz green juice:
2 large cucumbers with peel
2 limes, peeled
handful apple mint

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
serve over ice.

eating as an act of love


20 oz green juice:
1 bunch celery with leaves
1 grapefruit, peeled

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining pulp.
stir in:
1/2 t MSM crystals

raw success

(courtesy of raw living food success)


iced cacao tea

combine in pitcher:
4 T Tisano cacao tea
32 oz water

let steep in refrigerator for several hours.
add honey to taste.
serve over ice.


28 oz green juice:
1 bunch dino kale with stems
2 large cucumbers with peel
1 lime with peel
1 granny smith apple

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining pulp.
stir in:
1/2 t MSM crystals

Saturday, May 28, 2011


carrot salad with curry dressing

grated carrot
mixed spring greens
diced cucumber
sliced radish
go-raw sprouted sunflower seeds
go-raw sprouted pumpkin seeds
hemp seeds

3 T lemon juice
3 T extra virgin olive oil
1/2 t local organic honey
3 T chia gel
1/4 t curry powder
1/4 t pink himalayan salt

whisk ingredients together.


iced cacao sun tea with chocolate mint

combine in heat-resistant glass pitcher:
4 T Tisano cacao tea
32 oz water

let sit in sun for several hours.
add honey to taste.
chill in refrigerator.
serve over ice with chocolate mint.


20 oz grapefruit juice

Friday, May 27, 2011


green smoothie:
2 cups frozen cherries
1 banana
1/2 cup young thai coconut
1/8 cup raw cacao nibs
1/4 cup coconut water
1/2 t vanilla
1 T maca powder
3 T chia gel
3 dino kale leaves (without stem)
pinch of pink himalayan salt

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.


20 oz green juice:
1 grapefruit
5 large leaves dino kale
1/2 large cucumber

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in:
1 t chia seeds
1/2 t MSM crystals

Thursday, May 26, 2011


tomato cucumber salad:
cherry tomatoes
raw green botija olives
extra-virgin olive oil
lemon juice
pink himalayan salt
fresh oregano
fresh thyme
fresh parsley
fresh apple mint
fresh chives


24 oz grapefruit juice + chlorella tablets


25 oz green juice:
1 bunch celery with leaves
9 leaves dino kale with stems
1 lemon with peel

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in 1/2 t MSM crystals.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011




Orgono living silica

followed by

salad with lemon/olive oil/honey dressing:
mixed spring greens
micro greens
sliced radish
chopped cucumber
go-raw sprouted sunflower seeds
go-raw sprouted pumpkin seeds
hemp seeds


24 oz green juice:
6 leaves dino kale with stems
1 large cucumber with peel
1 large grapefruit, peeled
1 small beet

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in 1/2 t MSM crystals.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

b12 exposed

free 'b12 exposed' webinar with David Rainoshek
this coming Thursday, May 26
(courtesy of rawreform.com)


life force power-ade:
(modified from 'Raw Food Life Force Energy' by Natalia Rose)

8 leaves dino kale with stems
1 granny smith apple
1 lemon with peel
1 small beet
1 head celery

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.
stir in 1/2 t MSM crystals

on the bookshelf

The Sunfood Diet Success System
by David Wolfe


chocolate mulberry fudge


green smoothies
(serves 2)

smoothie 1:
1 cup frozen mango
1 banana
1 T organic raw coconut butter
1/8 cup coconut water
4 oz sunflower greens

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.

smoothie 2:
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
1 T organic raw coconut butter
1/8 cup coconut water
dino kale

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.


16 oz grapefruit juice + 1/2 t MSM crystals

Monday, May 23, 2011


carrots + ranch dip


best smoothie:
(modified from 'everyday raw' by Matthew Kenney)

2 cups frozen pineapple
1 cup coconut water
1/2 cup young thai coconut
10 large apple mint leaves
pinch of pink himalayan salt

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.


16 oz grapefruit juice

Sunday, May 22, 2011


mixed greens with ranch dressing

spring mix
sliced green onions
go-raw sprouted pumpkin seeds
hemp seeds


skin-glow sulfur salad + dressing
(modified from 'Eating for Beauty' by David Wolfe)

skin-glow sulfur salad:
baby arugula
micro greens
sliced radishes
sliced green onion

skin-glow sulfur dressing:
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1/2 medium cucumber with skin (unwaxed)
2 T lemon juice
1/2 t pink himalayan salt
1 T extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 T fresh rosemary
1/2 T fresh thyme
9 raw organic botija olives (remove pits)
1 clove garlic

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.
pour over salad.


16 oz grapefruit juice

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


salad with ranch dressing:
romaine lettuce
go-raw sprouted sunflower seeds
hemp seeds


green juice:
8 oz celery juice (with leaves)
5 oz cucumber juice, peeled
3 oz lemon juice, peeled


16 oz grapefruit juice

Thursday, May 19, 2011

on the bookshelf

Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices
What's Missing in Your Body?
by Dr. N. W. Walker

The Vegetarian Guide to Diet + Salad
by Dr. N. W. Walker


green juice:
10 oz carrot juice
6 oz romaine lettuce juice

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


green juice:
2 grapefruits, peeled
1 large cucumber, peeled
1/2 bunch celery

run all ingredients through juicer.
strain to remove any remaining fine pulp.

combine in Vita Mix with:
1/2 t plant derived MSM crystals
1/4 t Pure Radiance C
1/2 t chlorella
33 drops zeolite liquid

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


salad with ranch dressing:

romaine hearts
sunflower greens

my water filter

Wholly Water - the ultimate drinking water appliance


green smoothie:
1 cup frozen cherries
1 banana
4 oz sunflower greens
1/8 cup raw cacao nibs
1/2 t vanilla
pinch pink himalayan salt
1 T maca powder
1/4 t Pure Radiance C
1/2 t plant-derived MSM crystals
33 drops zeolite liquid
1/8 cup water

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.

Monday, May 16, 2011


salad with ranch dressing

mixed greens
sunflower greens
go-raw sprouted sunflower seeds
cherry tomatoes
hemp seeds
raw green botija olives
green onion

ranch dressing:
(modified from The Sunny Raw Kitchen)

1 cup soaked raw cashews
1/2 cup soaked raw macadamia nuts
1 cup filtered water
3 T lemon juice
1/3 cup raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
2 T local raw organic honey
2 cloves garlic
1 t garlic powder
3 t onion powder
1 t fresh dill
1 T pink himalayan salt
1/2 t dried basil

combine all ingredients in Vita Mix.

stir in:
1/4 cup minced parsley
1/2 t fresh dill

detox with zeolite

super zeolite liquid
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